
Displaying 61 - 80 of 2372
Row Number Project Titlesort ascending Award Session Year Section Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywords Researcher(s)
61 Three dimensional imager (3D imager) International-KIA 19 2006 National Iran Mechanics Invention Third PDF icon 19-e-44.pdf
  1. Kiapasha
62 Three component amino alkylation of aldehydes by functionalized organozinc compounds promoted by lithium perchlorate (Licloo4) International-KIA 12 1999 Iranian residing aboard Germany Chemical Technologies _ First Image icon 12-39.jpg
  1. Ipaktchi
  2. Saidi
    Mohammad Reza
63 Thermodynamics and synthetic study of metal complexes with macrocyclic ligands in different solvents International-KIA 5 1992 National Iran Basic Sciences  Research Second
  1. Shamsipour
64 Thermodynamic nature of gravity International-KIA 27 2014 National Iran Basic Sciences Fundamental Research Third PDF icon 27- Englishpart 47.pdf
  1. Sheykhi
65 Thermodynamic and electron transport properties of semiconducting chalcogenides International-KIA 9 1996 Foreign India Basic Sciences Guest of Honor _
  1. Shamsuddin
66 Thermo mechanical processing of steels International-KIA 14 2001 Foreign Canada Materials and Metallurgy  Winner First Image icon 14-44.jpg
  1. Jonas
    John J.
67 Thermo - Solutal convection in a porous medium -filled enclosure under various thermal and concentration boundary conditions International-KIA 25 2012 Foreign Lebanon Mechanics Applied Research Third PDF icon 25-e-72.pdf
  1. Chamkha
    Ali J.
68 Thermal shock glass cutting machine International-KIA 12 1999 National Iran Mechanics  Invention Third
  1. Khalili
    Mohammad Reza
69 Theory of interfacial electric phenomena of soft particles International-KIA 29 2016 Foreign Japan Basic Sciences Fundamental Research Second PDF icon 29- Englishpart 17.pdf
  1. Ohshima
70 Theoretical studies on condensation reactions between a number of polyamines and diketones or dialdehydes and protonation of related metal complexes and also study on the nature of bond in some complexes. Youth - KYA 14 2012 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences Fundamental Research Second
  1. Bayat
71 Theoretical and experimental analysis process of diluting metal tubes as a new mechanism of energy absorption in metal impactors Youth - KYA 9 2007 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechanics Applied Research Third
  1. Salehghaffari
72 Thematic catalog of manuscripts in the libraries of the Islamic Republic of Iran International-KIA 5 1992 National Iran Human Sciences  Research First
  1. Hojati
    Mohammad Bagher
73 The wave pool wave generating system International-KIA 11 1998 National Iran Mechanics Applied Research Second
  1. Durali
74 The ultimate limits of miniaturization International-KIA 29 2016 Foreign USA Nano Technology Fundamental Research Second PDF icon 29- Englishpart 18.pdf
  1. Weiss
75 The ultimate architecture for enterprise storage systems Youth - KYA 18 2016 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Information Technology Fundamental Research Third
  1. Tavakkol
76 The Synthesis of new ligands for study Sigma receptor and pi-gamma subunit International-KIA 20 2007 National Iran Basic Sciences Fundamental Research Third
  1. Hajipour
77 The study of the electronic Structure of high temperature superconductor of YBCO and electrical and magnetic properties of the similar compound of Gdpr-123 Youth - KYA 4 2002 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences MSc student First
  1. Khosroabadi
78 The study of proteins function using mass spectrometry and proteomics International-KIA 32 2019 Foreign USA Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Fundamental Research _ PDF icon 32-E- 18.pdf
  1. Yates
    John R.
79 The study of Motahari|s approach to tradition and modernity in the field of religious thought Youth - KYA 3 2001 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran MSc student Third
  1. Sozanchi
80 The study and restoration of western Ivans of Takht-e-Suleyman International-KIA 18 2005 National Iran Art Applied Research Third Image icon 18-92.jpg
  1. Malekloo
    Mohammad Reza
