
Displaying 201 - 220 of 2372
Row Number Project Titlesort ascending Award Session Year Section Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywords Researcher(s)
201 Study of behavioral problems in drug addict adolescents Youth - KYA 5 2003 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Medical Sciences BSc graduate Third
  1. Adili
202 Study and preparation of triploid hybrid varieties of sugar beets International-KIA 1 1988 National Iran Biology Research First
  1. Alimoradi
203 Studies on the chemical constituents of Azadirachta indica and development of botanical pesticides International-KIA 14 2001 Foreign Pakistan Chemical Technologies Winner First PDF icon 14-43.pdf
  1. Siddiqui
204 Studies on some of the Persian Gulf invertebrates International-KIA 11 1998 National Iran Biology Winner Student First
  1. Dastvan
205 Structure of proton International-KIA 16 2003 Foreign Pakistan Basic Sciences Winner Second PDF icon 16-e-35.pdf
  1. Fayyazoddin
206 Structure and function of chromatin in Eukaryotes International-KIA 17 2004 Foreign Bulgaria Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Winner First PDF icon 17-e-8.pdf
  1. Tsanev
207 Structural study of organometallic compounds by crystallography International-KIA 22 2009 Foreign Malaysia Chemical Technologies Fundamental Research First PDF icon 22-e-38.pdf
  1. Weng Ng
208 Structural and electronic properties of tellurium crystal with quantum simulation Youth - KYA 2 2000 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences MSc student Third
  1. Mohammadizadeh
    Mohammad Reza
209 Structural analysis of architecture (graphic) of separate letters in Persian alphabet and find the rules for designing of letters Youth - KYA 11 2009 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Applied Research First
  1. Delkhoshian
210 Strategic information and communications technology master plan of Tehran municipality International-KIA 22 2009 National Iran Industry and Technology Management Research and Development Third PDF icon 22-57.pdf
  1. Kargari
211 Stone towing machine with capability of rotation around three axes Youth - KYA 11 2009 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechanics Innovation Third
  1. Shiasi
212 STM-1 capacity enhancer Youth - KYA 13 2011 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Innovation Third
  1. Bornoosh
  2. Eghbalkhah
213 Steel producing from molten pig iron International-KIA 3 1990 National Iran Materials and Metallurgy  Innovation Second
  1. Razi Metallurgical Research Center
214 Stealth craft International-KIA 20 2007 National Iran Defense Industries Innovation First
  1. Malek Ashtar University
215 Statistical theory for Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in zero tension level Youth - KYA 5 2003 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences PhD student Second
  1. Shahbazi
216 Static, dynamic, hysteretic and fatigue characteristics of helical steel cables International-KIA 14 2001 Iranian residing aboard England Civil Engineering _ First Image icon 14-37.jpg
  1. Raoof
217 Static program analysis using algebraic geometry and probability theory Youth - KYA 20 2018 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences Fundamental Research First
  1. Kafshdar Goharshady
218 Standardization of intelligence test for children International-KIA 9 1996 National Iran Human Sciences  Applied Research Third
  1. Afrooz
219 Stair climber trolley Youth - KYA 15 2013 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechatronics Innovation Third
  1. Keshavarz Ghezel gheshlagh
220 Square hole drill bit Youth - KYA 2 2000 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran - Technician -
  1. Sazgar
