
Displaying 201 - 220 of 2372
Row Number Project Title Award Session Year Sectionsort ascending Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywords Researcher(s)
201 Oscilloscope card Youth - KYA 2 2000 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran - BSc Student Third
  1. Sadeghi
    Hamid Reza
202 Osmotic diaphragmatic oedometer Youth - KYA 15 2013 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechatronics Innovation Second
  1. Monghasem Jahromi
  2. Lari
203 Antioxidant properties of eleven native herbal plants in northern of Iran. Youth - KYA 11 2009 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Fundamental Research Second
  1. Nabavi panbehchole
    Seyed Fazel 
  2. Nabavi panbehchole
    Seyed Mohammad
204 Modeling and analysis of underwater acoustic lens Youth - KYA 6 2004 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran MSc Student First
  1. Azar Payvand
205 Blood vessel finder Youth - KYA 8 2006 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Research and Development Third
  1. Arabnejad
  2. Arabnejad
206 Intelligent protection system Youth - KYA 3 2001 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Graduate Third
  1. Naderi Tarshizi
207 Bioleaching of electronic waste using two types of bacteria Youth - KYA 17 2015 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Innovation Second PDF icon 17-e-j-Arshadi.pdf Bioleaching; Electronic waste; Response surface methodology
  1. Arshadi
208 Designing and manufacturing a circular injector plate Youth - KYA 12 2010 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Aerospace Applied Research Third
  1. Kargar Neghab
209 Design and manufacture of automatic welding machine (bug and ring) Youth - KYA 7 2005 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechanics Applied Research Second joint
  1. Zare Bidaki
    Mohammad Mahdi
210 CSharifi: a system software for create and management cluster computing systems Youth - KYA 10 2008 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Applied Research First
  1. Mousavi Khaneghah
  2. Mirtaheri
    Seyedeh Leili
211 Statistical theory for Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in zero tension level Youth - KYA 5 2003 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences PhD student Second
  1. Shahbazi
212 Providing engineering solutions to regenerate damaged tissues and organs Youth - KYA 20 2018 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Fundamental Research Second
  1. Mozafari
213 With wing of enthusiasm Youth - KYA 13 2011 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Art Innovation Third
  1. Esmail Yazdi
    Mohammad Reza
214 Six-tasks machine Youth - KYA 2 2000 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran - Technician -
  1. Taghizadeh kandi
215 Pars life-saving flying robot Youth - KYA 15 2013 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechatronics Innovation Second
  1. Rigi
  2. Norozi
  3. Mirakhorli
216 Entanglement, Quantum phase transition, and Topological order Youth - KYA 11 2009 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences Fundamental Research Third
  1. Kargarian
217 Design and construction of goniophotometer Youth - KYA 6 2004 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran - BSc Student Second
  1. Monesan
    Mohammad Saleh
  2. Zakeri
  3. Mohseni
  4. Basiri
218 Investigation of Iranian cheeses waste reduction in the dairy industry Youth - KYA 8 2006 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Chemical Technologies Research and Development Third
  1. Dezyani
219 Design of ceramic molds for the plastic gloves producers Youth - KYA 3 2001 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Graduate Third
  1. Naemi
220 Turbo catalyst gas Burner Youth - KYA 17 2015 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechanics Innovation Third
  1. Atighezade
