
Displaying 2241 - 2260 of 2372
Row Number Project Title Award Session Year Section Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywordssort descending Researcher(s)
2241 Herbal medicines producing for prevention and curing of poultry diseases International-KIA 22 2009 National Iran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Development Third PDF icon 22-59.pdf
  1. Omidbaigi
2243 Providing the technical knowledge and production of SSD (Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate) International-KIA 18 2005 National Iran Chemical Technologies Applied Research Third Image icon 18-28.jpg
  1. Shahsavaripour
2245 VHF Band III TV transmitter (500W) International-KIA 3 1990 National Iran Electronic and Computer Innovation Second
  1. IRIB -Takta Co.
2246 Secure local mobile phone Youth - KYA 15 2013 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Information Technology Applied Research First
  1. Kazemi
  2. Movafagh Yami
  3. Soleymani
    Mohammad Taghi
2247 Design and manufacture of line trap International-KIA 12 1999 National Iran Electronic and Computer Innovation Second joint
  1. Madani
2248 Experimental investigation of combustion instability in an axisymmetric laboratory ramjet engine Youth - KYA 1 1999 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechanics MSc student -
  1. Akbari
2249 S-scheme Heterojunction Photocatalyst International-KIA 35 2022 Foreign China chemistry Fundamental - PDF icon Jiaguo YU.pdf
  1. Yu
2250 Antioxidant properties of eleven native herbal plants in northern of Iran. Youth - KYA 11 2009 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Fundamental Research Second
  1. Nabavi panbehchole
    Seyed Fazel 
  2. Nabavi panbehchole
    Seyed Mohammad
2251 Identification of carcinogens present in environment and food International-KIA 8 1995 Foreign Bangladesh Chemical Technologies Guest of Honor _
  1. Rahman
2253 Scientific and engineering advancements in atmospheric corrosion International-KIA 19 2006 Foreign Sweden Chemical Technologies Distinguished Researcher _ PDF icon 19-e-18.pdf
  1. Leygraf
2254 Designing and deploying framework for aerospace product realization by consideration on systems engineering International-KIA 26 2013 National Iran Defense Industries Research and Development Third PDF icon 26- Englishpart 67.pdf
  1. Aerospace Industries Organization
2255 Youth - KYA 25 2024
  1. Jalilian
    Mohammad Taha
2257 Preparation of a biocompatible polymer by laser radiation International-KIA 8 1995 National Iran  Chemical Technologies Fundamental Research Third
  1. Mirzadeh
2258 Biological control with Trichogramma wasp International-KIA 1 1988 National Iran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Third
  1. Shojaee
2259 Design and fabrication of the wet blasting cabinets Youth - KYA 5 2003 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran - BSc graduate Third
  1. Rastgar Abasalizadeh
