
Displaying 1321 - 1340 of 2372
Row Number Project Title Award Session Year Section Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywords Researcher(s)
1321 Innovative Gene – Specific "molecular scissors" targeting key genes as potential novel therapeutics in vascular disease International-KIA 18 2005 Foreign Australia Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Distinguished Researcher _ PDF icon 18-104.pdf
  1. Khachigian
    Levon M.
1322 Quantum Imaging International-KIA 18 2005 Foreign Italy Basic Sciences Distinguished Researcher _ PDF icon 18-100.pdf
  1. Lugiato
1323 The causes and consequences of variation in energy metabolism International-KIA 18 2005 Foreign England Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Guest of Honor _ PDF icon 18-106.pdf
  1. Speakman
1324 Discovery of potential drug candidates for the treatment of Alzheimer`s disease and related dementias International-KIA 19 2006 Foreign Pakistan Chemical Technologies Distinguished Researcher _ PDF icon 19-e-21.pdf
  1. Choudhary
    Muhammad Iqbal
1325 Innovative studies of B-Lymphocytes: insights into understanding autoimmunity and discovery of a subversion strategy used by infectious agents International-KIA 19 2006 Foreign France Medical Sciences Distinguished Researcher _ PDF icon 19-e-19.pdf
  1. Zouali
1326 Powerful technique for modeling the nonlinearities encountered in analogue electronic circuits and systems International-KIA 19 2006 Foreign Saudi Arabia Electronic and Computer Distinguished Researcher _ PDF icon 19-e-22.pdf
  1. Abuelmaatti
1327 Scientific and engineering advancements in atmospheric corrosion International-KIA 19 2006 Foreign Sweden Chemical Technologies Distinguished Researcher _ PDF icon 19-e-18.pdf
  1. Leygraf
1328 Bioreactor design in biotechnology applications engineering principles and process innovations International-KIA 19 2006 Foreign Canada Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Distinguished Researcher _ PDF icon 19-e-20.pdf
  1. Moo-Young
1329 Iranian Culture International-KIA 19 2006 Foreign USA Human Sciences  Guest of Honor _ PDF icon 19-e-23.pdf
  1. Frye
    Richard N.
1330 Development of point defect model for prediction of localized corrosion International-KIA 20 2007 Foreign USA Chemical Technologies Winner First PDF icon 20-e-22.pdf
  1. Macdonald
1331 Explicit formulas in number theory International-KIA 20 2007 Foreign Bosnia Basic Sciences Winner Second PDF icon 20-e-23.pdf
  1. Avdispahic
1332 Scientific bases of synthesis of highly efficient catalysts International-KIA 20 2007 Foreign Bulgaria Chemical Technologies Winner Second PDF icon 20-e-24.pdf
  1. Klissurski
1333 Characterization, diagnosis comparative and functional genomics of whitefly transmitted geminiviruses infecting grain legumes, cotton and tomato International-KIA 20 2007 Foreign India Agricultural and Natural Resources Winner Third PDF icon 20-e-25.pdf
  1. Malathi
    Varagur Ganesan
1334 Degradation and stabilization of polymers International-KIA 20 2007 Foreign India Chemical Technologies Winner Third PDF icon 20-e-26.pdf
  1. Singh
    Raj pal
1335 Synthesis, structure and properties of single walled and double walled carbon nanotubes International-KIA 20 2007 Foreign China Materials and Metallurgy  Winner Third PDF icon 20-e-27.pdf
  1. Cheng
1336 Sustainable development of palm oil industries via a novel membrane based treatment system International-KIA 20 2007 Foreign Malaysia Chemical Technologies Winner Third PDF icon 20-e-28.pdf
  1. Ahmad
1337 Freshwater Fishes of Iran International-KIA 21 2008 Foreign Canada Agricultural and Natural Resources Fundamental Research First PDF icon 21-e-36.pdf
  1. Coad
    Brian William
1338 Lipotoxic aspects of pancreatic islet cell biochemical, biophysical and functional alterations in rats depleted in long-chain polyunsaturated W3 fatty acids an animal model of the metabolic syndrome International-KIA 21 2008 Foreign Belgium Medical Sciences Fundamental Research First PDF icon 21-e-34.pdf
  1. Malaisse
    Willy jean
1339 Characterization on novel biologically active peptides: the unique contribution of amphibians to the discovery of mammalian neuropeptides International-KIA 21 2008 Foreign France Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Fundamental Research First PDF icon 21-e-38.pdf
  1. Vaudry
1340 Development of Fourier transform electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (FT-EIS) and a new model foe electrochemistry based on FT-EIS measurements International-KIA 21 2008 Foreign South Korea Chemical Technologies Fundamental Research Second PDF icon 21-e-40.pdf
  1. Park
