
Displaying 2201 - 2220 of 2372
Row Number Project Title Award Session Yearsort descending Section Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywords Researcher(s)
2201 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran second
2202 Innovation of functional coordination compounds and coordination polymers International-KIA 33 2020 China Chemical Technologies Fundamental - PDF icon Prof. Xiao-Ming CHEN.pdf
2203 Energy-Efficient GPU Systems Youth - KYA 22 2020 iran first
2204 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran third
2205 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran third
2206 Improving our knowledge about relaxation-property relationships in metallic glasses International-KIA 33 2020 China Materials, Metallurgy and New Energies Fundamental - PDF icon Prof. Wei-Hua WANG.pdf
2207 Classification of quantum spaces and their symmetries Youth - KYA 22 2020 iran second
2208 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran third
2209 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran second
2210 Investigation and development of pharmaceuticals from marine organisms International-KIA 33 2020 The Republic of Korea (South Korea) Marine Biotechnology Applied Research - PDF icon Prof. Se-Kwon KIM.pdf
2211 Youth - KYA 32 2020 iran third
2212 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran second
2213 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran first
2214 Biological Degradation of plastic waste by Galleria mellonella larvae and investigation of molecular factors Youth - KYA 22 2020 iran second
2215 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran third
2216 Design, development and fabrication of abrasive flow finishing apparatus and its application in automatic Nano-finishing of hip joint implants Youth - KYA 22 2020 iran third
2217 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran third
2218 Design and construction of intelligent control and management device of the central heating room Youth - KYA 22 2020 iran third
2219 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran second
2220 Design Ceramic of the Membrane pH Combination Electrodes Youth - KYA 23 2020 Iran chemistry Applied second
  1. Ashkani Reza Beyglu
