
Displaying 101 - 120 of 2372
Row Number Project Title Award Session Year Sectionsort ascending Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywords Researcher(s)
101 Flexible oval cutting machine Youth - KYA 18 2016 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechanics Innovation Third
  1. Belali
102 Preparation of monoclonal antibodies against morphine Youth - KYA 2 2000 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Medical Sciences MSc student Second
  1. Rahbarizadeh
103 Car driving simulator Youth - KYA 11 2009 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Applied Research Third
  1. jalayerian
104 Fabrication and characterization of magnetic multilayer system Youth - KYA 6 2004 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences MSc Student Second
  1. Sangpour Zanjani
105 Kinetic and electrochemical studies of urazole derivatives in the absence and presence of some nucleophiles Youth - KYA 15 2013 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Chemical Technologies Fundamental Research Third
  1. Varmaghani
106 Designing an alarm system for satellites using fuzzy singular framework to model and forecast space weather anomalies Youth - KYA 9 2007 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Fundamental Research Third
  1. Mirmomeni
107 Because of you (Poem) Youth - KYA 3 2001 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Technician -
  1. Jalilian
108 Cell Phone Tracking Software Youth - KYA 12 2010 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Research and Development Third
  1. Kamali Dasht Arzhaneh
    Amir hossein
109 Study on Hallaj|s personality in Persian literature from Molavi to Jami Youth - KYA 7 2005 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Human Sciences Fundamental Research Second
  1. Valizadeh
110 Designing and construction of the module of sensor identification of allergy Youth - KYA 16 2014 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Innovation Third
  1. Khezrian
111 Design and construction of furnace for rice husk ash production Youth - KYA 10 2008 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Civil Engineering Applied Research Third
  1. Mehdikhani
112 Door of the sea of soul : description of some of Shams|s poems with emphasis on mystical topics Youth - KYA 4 2002 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Human Sciences Diploma Third
  1. Sadat Sharifi
    Seyed farshid
113 Design and fabrication of laboratory infrared furnace with high heating rate Youth - KYA 14 2012 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Materials and Metallurgy Applied Research Second
  1. Ganjeh
  2. Samadi Moghadam
114 Recognition and determination of trace amount of heavy metals, pesticides and drugs in environmental via novel extraction methods Youth - KYA 19 2017 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Nano Technology Fundamental Research First
  1. Behbahani
115 Urban information system design for medium-sized cities in Iran (case study: Kashan) Youth - KYA 2 2000 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Human Sciences MSc student Third
  1. Taliei
116 Design and manufacture of surface coating machine by thermal spraying techniques Youth - KYA 11 2009 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Applied Research Third
  1. Ranjbar Oskoee
117 Study of potentials for producing soda pulps from canola straw for making fluting paper Youth - KYA 6 2004 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Agricultural and Natural Resources MSc Student Second
  1. Sefidgaran
118 Microfluidic technology development of polymeric nanoparticles Youth - KYA 15 2013 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Nano Technology Fundamental Research Third
  1. Dashtimoghadam
  2. Majedi
    Fatemeh Sadat
119 Dry reforming catalyst and coke formation process Youth - KYA 9 2007 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Chemical Technologies Fundamental Research Third
  1. Rezaee
120 A double two-stroke engine Youth - KYA 3 2001 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Technician -
  1. Zarabian
