
Displaying 261 - 280 of 2372
Row Number Project Title Awardsort ascending Session Year Section Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywords Researcher(s)
261 Decision support system for operation of multi-reservoir hydropower systems  Youth - KYA 4 2002 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Civil Engineering PhD student First
  1. Zahraee
262 Study on physiological and immunological interactions of wheat sunn pest (eurygaster integriceps puton) Youth - KYA 11 2009 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Agricultural and Natural Resources  Applied Research Third
  1. Zibaee
263 Review implementation of the e-government stages at the ministry of commerce in Iran Youth - KYA 7 2005 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Human Sciences Applied Research Third
  1. Safari
264 Design and construction of beam profile measurement Youth - KYA 15 2013 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Research and Development First
  1. Ebrahimi basabi
265 Groups covered by finitely many subgroups Youth - KYA 9 2007 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences Fundamental Research Third
  1. Jafarian Amiri
    Seyed Majid
266 Youth - KYA 22 2020 student iran second
267 Study of the intergranular and weak link behavior of high temperature superconductors Youth - KYA 5 2003 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences PhD student Third
  1. Kameli
268 Synthesis and application of N-halo compounds as heterogeneous acid catalysts and reagents in the synthesis of organic compounds Youth - KYA 13 2011 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Chemical Technologies Fundamental Research First
  1. Veisi
269 Youth - KYA 24 2022 Youth Iran Computer Computer second
  1. smaelifar
  2. smaelifar
270 Design and fabrication of a laboratory model Ku-band reflectarray antenna with contoured beam coverage over Iran for GEO satellite usage ​ Youth - KYA 17 2015 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Applied Research Second
  1. Aryanian
271 Youth - KYA 21 2018 Iran Second
272 Square hole drill bit Youth - KYA 2 2000 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran - Technician -
  1. Sazgar
273 Increasing biosynthesis of cardiac glycosides digitoxin in digitalis purpurea on the Isolated atrium of rats Youth - KYA 10 2008 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Applied Research Third
  1. Golafshan
274 Youth - KYA 23 2021 Iran chemistry third
  1. Mirfakhraei
  2. Amiri
275 Presenting new algorithms in educational schedules and comparing them with existing methods Youth - KYA 6 2004 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences BSc Student Second
  1. Naji Azimi
276 Design and manufacture of device for gas diffusion coefficient measurement in fluid flow in porous media Youth - KYA 14 2012 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Chemical Technologies Applied Research Third
  1. Nazari Moghadam
  2. Rezaee
  3. Fallahzadeh
277 Youth - KYA 25 2024
  1. Moshaver
278 Facile method for preparation of flexible and free-standing graphene-based current collector for high performance supercapacitor Youth - KYA 19 2017 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Basic Sciences Innovation Third
  1. Doroudian
279 Learning Kit of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell Youth - KYA 7 2005 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Chemical Technologies Innovation Third
  1. Hassani Sadrabad
    Mohammad Mahdi
280 Classification of quantum spaces and their symmetries Youth - KYA 22 2020 iran second
