
Displaying 2341 - 2360 of 2372
Row Number Project Title Award Session Year Section Country Field Category Rank Eng part Keywordssort descending Researcher(s)
2341 Know-how and production of slowly burning expanded polystyrene (EPS) using hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) Youth - KYA 7 2005 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Chemical Technologies Applied Research First
  1. Hayatifar
2343 Persian Poetry Rhythm Software International-KIA 12 1999 National Iran Electronic and Computer Winner Student Second
  1. Zavari
2344 Nowtar International-KIA 32 2019 National Iran Art Applied Research First PDF icon 32-E- 10.pdf
  1. Talaei
2346 Solar sterling engine with limited temperature equipped with flat plate solar collector Youth - KYA 8 2006 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Mechanics Research and Development Third
  1. Tavakolpour saleh
2347 Design and build Jamaran class destroyer International-KIA 27 2014 National Iran Defense Industries Research and Development Second PDF icon 27- Englishpart 46.pdf
  1. Navy of Islamic Republic of Iran Army
2348 An achievement to technology and fabrication ceramic cores production line for advanced aeroparts International-KIA 26 2013 National Iran Defense Industries Research and Development Third PDF icon 26- Englishpart 64.pdf
  1. Aerospace Industries Organization
2350 Rice functional genomics for exploring genes and mechanisms that control growth and yield of cereal crops International-KIA 22 2009 Foreign Taiwan Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences Fundamental Research Third PDF icon 22-e-50.pdf
  1. Yu
2351 Nameyeh Bastan (editing and interpreting Shahnameh by Ferdowsi) International-KIA 18 2005 National Iran Human Sciences Fundamental Research First Image icon 18-86.jpg
  1. Kazzazi
    Mir jalaludin
2352 Ear Born Imaging Based on Combine Aperture International-KIA 34 2021 iran Electronic & Computer Second Image icon Shahram.jpg
2355 Mobile network parameters measuring device Youth - KYA 12 2010 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Electronic and Computer Applied Research Second
  1. Shahmohammadi
  2. Mafi
2356 Thermodynamic and electron transport properties of semiconducting chalcogenides International-KIA 9 1996 Foreign India Basic Sciences Guest of Honor _
  1. Shamsuddin
2357 Design and synthesis of Azo-Azomethine chemosensor for detection of fluoride anion in aqueous media Youth - KYA 17 2015 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran Chemical Technologies Fundamental Research Second
  1. Rezaeian
2358 Design and manufacture equipment for production of cumin essential oil International-KIA 7 1994 National Iran Chemical Technologies Research Second
  1. Tanbakochi
2359 Application of the two-dimensional memory feature in the robot|s automatic control Youth - KYA 4 2002 Young Researcher/Technologist Iran - Diploma Third
  1. Naderi Torshizi
